Monday, January 14, 2013

Recent Thrifting finds

One thing I've noticed about living in Reno, are that the thrift shops are oodles better than the ones back in San Jose. Between Reno and Carson City, my collection of vintage kitchen stuff and jewelry has blown up like crazy! Here are some of my more recent finds. This is only a miniscule selection of the overall haul.

Possibly pyrex coffee carafe, circa 50's I'm guessing
$1.50, Goodwill in Roseville, CA (purchased on my way home from a visit to my Grammys)

Kromex Flour Canister, $4, SPCA Thrift Store, Reno

1 Quart "Tang" Promotional Drink Pitcher, $1, Reno Gospel Mission Thrift Store

Matching Pyrex Salt and Pepper shakers, found from 2 different ebay sellers, $10 total including shipping. One came from Michigan, its mate came from Florida

I know my dryer acting as a photo studio is super classy. 

Also, there is much more to come, like my new obsession, peach luster Anchor Hocking glass ware

1 comment:

  1. These are great finds! I've also gotten some great items since moving to Northern Nevada.
